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Water Meters
5901 Hillside Road
P.O. Box 164
St. Leonard, MD 20685-0164
410-586-8710 Office
. |
August 23, 2000
Water Usage & Conservation
Capital Projects
New Service Areas
Line Upgrades
New Emergency Generator
Maintenance Shop
Power Trencher
Cross Connections
Property Access
Proposed Rule Change
5901 Hillside Rd
P.O. Box 164
(410) 586-8710
Outside Gate
Board of Directors
(As of August 2000)
Jack Jorgensen - President
Stephen Davis – Vice President
Gary Clarke – Security / Treasurer
John Randall - Director
Dick Heibel - Director
Bill Bozman - Director
Tony Penna – Director
Contract Management
(As of August 2000) |
Dennis DiBello - Business
Manager/ Superintendent
Linda Speciale – Receptionist
Jackie Jacob - Bookkeeper
Kenny Grover – Operations Tech.
Ray Foster - Maintenance Tech.
Newsletter - Fall
Water Usage & Conservation |
As we end the peak of the summer
season our thirst for water has increased two fold – topping 6 million
gallons per month and challenging our Maryland Department of Environment
water usage limits.
As the custodian of our water, Beaches
Water has always supported conservation. Last year, prior to Governor
Glendening instituting mandatory water restrictions, Beaches Water was
already working to heighten the awareness of the effects of the drought
conditions and recommended easy tips to curtail water usage. This
year we continue to ensure that our water is always available and economical
for all co-operative members. Listed below are some tips to assist
in minimizing water usage:
Indoor water usage
* Turn off the
water while brushing your teeth. Turning the water off can save 4-10
gallons of water per day.
* Run the
dishwasher only when you have a full load. Dishwashers use up to
15 gallons of water for each load.
* Run the
clothes washer only when you have a full load. Clothes washers use
20-25 gallons of water for each load.
* Fix leaky
faucets and toilets. A leaky faucet or toilet can waste up to 25
gallons of water per day. |
Outdoor water usage
Beaches Water Co. discourages lawn watering.
Almost half the water used by Beaches Water members during the summer months
is for outside water use, primarily lawn watering. Most grasses can
weather dry periods by going dormant. Lawns quickly revive and turn
green again after a rain fall. Consider only watering plants that
may die from a lack of water. Here are some tips for effective watering
if you have to water outside plants.
* Don’t
water on windy days. The water only evaporates or blows to your neighbor’s
Water every third day. Over watering washes nutrients from the soil
and can cause root rot.
Water only long enough to put down ½” of water, use a soup can as
a gauge. More water will only wash nutrients below the root line.
If it rains don’t water for 2-3 days. |
Beaches Water is not suggesting conservation
for the sake of conservatism. But rather, our prudent use of this
natural resource will ensure that we operate within the law and that water
is available for future generations. Community water allocation is
calculated on a per household basis. If we fail to use our water
wisely, the Department of Natural Resources may impose mandatory water
usage restrictions.
The aquifers from which our five
pumping stations draw water are under a lot of stress. The aquifers
that we use are essentially underwater rivers originating in Pennsylvania
and flow towards southern Maryland. People throughout central and
southern Maryland share water from the same aquifers. Recent growth
has put a huge demand on what was once thought to be an unlimited water
supply. The water level in the aquifers is dropping causing well
failures throughout Southern Maryland. Hence, the Department of Natural
Resources has started to be more vigilant in monitoring water usage.
Again, if we fail to use our water wisely we may have mandatory restrictions
imposed. |
Cross Connections
“A cross connection is a direct arrangement
of a piping line that allows the potable water to be connected to a line
that contains a contaminant.”
Cross connections are dangerous because
they can cause illness and injuries. It does this by providing the
means of contaminant into the potable water system through siphonage or
Newer plumbing codes prohibit cross-
connections except where an approved protective device is installed.
Common cross-connections are found in dishwashers, toilets, & garden
hoses left in buckets/pools. Call the BWC office for more details.
Stop by and get your free
garden hose backflow preventer. |
The hurricane season is here. With the new emergency generator
located at Slater Plant we can operate with a loss of SMECO power.
Slater is our largest pumping station with three wells and 120,000 gallon
storage. It can handle most of the water usage in the community during
storm conditions. |
Volunteers Needed
As many of you know we built the office at the cost of materials
using community labor. Again we are asking for volunteers to build
a maintenance shop on to the office. |
The board of directors has kept the
staff busy with an aggressive schedule of capital projects.
New Service areas - Water
lines have been extended to bring service to both the Calvert Beach Estates
II and Kings Creek Estates II subdivisions. The expansions will benefit
current users by looping several dead end lines eliminating low pressure
situations. Also, increases in revenue and water allocation will
aid in stabilizing the company.
Line Upgrades - This summer
two projects will be completed to improve service on Hickory and Long Beach
Rd. along the bay front. New lines, valves and pressure regulating
equipment will be installed. These upgrades will not only improve
pressure control throughout the system but also improve the system’s performance
during electrical outages. As we upgrade lines, we are installing new fire
hydrants to expand and improve the fire fighting capability in our service
New Emergency Generator -
A new emergency generator is now installed at the Slater Plant on Hillside
Rd. The generator will enable us to keep you supplied with water
service in the event of an extended power outage. The equipment has
been installed, tested and is fully operational. Water service during
such an emergency will be at a reduced pressure.
Maintenance Shop - As we become
more independent we need to provide personnel with adequate facilities
in which to work. We are currently adding a maintenance shop addition
to the office at the Slater Pumping station. The shop will enable
us to properly store equipment and spare parts, in addition to providing
space for our technicians to work.
Power Trencher - We recently
purchased a used power trencher. The acquisition of this valuable
piece of equipment has enabled us to repair leaks and perform smaller line
replacement projects quickly and efficiently, and at a fraction of the
cost of using outside contractors. |
Water Testing
Our water is tested
monthly for bateria and annually for nitrites / nitaites. We also
test for lead and copper on a multi-year cycle. We issued our annual
Confidence Report(CCR) in June. If you did not get yours
call (410) 586-8710 to have one mailed or stop by the office located at
5901 Hillside Drive and pick one up. |
What is that chlorine smell?
Beaches Water Company
treats the water with disinfectant to ensure the water is safe to drink.
The main method is injection of chlorine gas into the raw well water flow
stream. Chlorine treatment is generally recognized as the most common
and effective disinfectant with its use at 98% of water treatment facilities.
The practice of drinking water chlorination is one of the most significant
public health advances of the 20th century. At times the treated
water may have a chlorine smell. Letting it stand for a few minutes
allows the smell to disapate. For drinking water, storing a pitcher
in the refrigerator provides the opportunity for the disapation as well
as a refreshing source of a cold drink.
All planned outages will be scheduled
a day in advance with signs posted in the affected area. With each
job that we perform, we improve the isolation capability of the system
so that outages affect less members. Unplanned outages will be handled
immediately with the goal of limiting the number effected.
Recently, on Sunday, August 13 at
approximately 10:00 a.m., our Jorgensen pumping stations on Locust Street
shutdown due to a controls malfunction. We had also experienced a
controls problem at Slater pumping stations on Hillside Drive the previous
Friday. It was left in a shutdown position awaiting parts.
Our remaining smaller, lower elevation, pumping stations carried the load
which they were only able to do well for the lower elevations. Even
though it was a Sunday we found the problem during rounds and were able
to restore pressure within an hour by placing the Slater pumping station
in manual control.
Our thanks to the many members who
called that day apprising us of the situation. We apologize for any
inconvenience that this force outage may have caused your household.
We were please that the BWC technicians were able to quickly turn the situation
Beaches Water Company being a
community owned system works closely with its members to assist with problems
on the service line from the road to the house. The responsibility
of the water company ends at the curb valve. In those cases where
the leak exists on the member’s property, BWC can advise various courses
of action that can be more economical than just calling the first available
plumber at premium fees. A lot of times we are able to relieve the
immediate emergency by providing alternative service via a neighbor’s hose
bib connection. In behalf of those whose receive this kind of support,
we thank the neighbors who provided this consideration. |
Schedule of Fees
(As of August 2000) |
Quarterly Service
New Service
Pool (annual)
$65.00 ($35.00
Customer’s Request)
Extended Shut-off
Return Check
Late Penalty
One time 10% applied
15 days after quarter |
The Beaches Water
Company is a not-for-profit community owned water system. We now
have 720 member households in the communities of Long Beach, Calvert Beach,
Cherry Lane Farms, Kings Creek II, & Calvert Beach Estates II
The Beaches Water Company has drafted
a business plan which will be available for review at the annual meeting,
Sept. 10, 2000 at 2:00 pm at the Long Beach Civic Center on Calvert Blvd.
Section |
I |
Organizational Plan |
II |
Financial Documents |
Strategies |
IV |
Appendices |
V |
Notes |
“To provide water service that is
dependable, economical, and meets or exceeds health standards for all co-operative
BWC bills in advance on a quarterly
January 1 |
April 1 |
July 1 |
October 1 |
Invoices not paid 15 days after the
quarter are assessed a one time 10% finance charge. Invoices are
normally sent to the homeowner unless a special request is made to bill
the tenant. However, the homeowner remains responsible for the payment.
To maintain our pay-as-you-go finance
policy we have found it necessary to restore the service connection fee
from $2,000 to $3,000 effective immediately. The quarterly service
rate of $65 remains unchanged for FY 2000 billing.
We concluded from a recent review
of water main leak repairs in the community that we have to increase the
priority of water main replacements in several areas of the community.
The additional revenue will enable us to undertake these projects without
incurring additional debt.
FY 2000 BUDGET |
Water service |
Hook Up fees |
Pool water service |
Finance Charges |
Total Income |
$ 210,245
FY 2000 BUDGET |
Advertising |
Auditing |
Bad Debt |
Bank Service Charges |
Depreciation Expense |
Professional Memberships |
Engineering |
Insurance |
Mortgage interest |
Legal |
Licenses and Permits |
Office - Other |
Operating Supplies |
Equipment rental |
Materials |
Repairs |
Equipment repairs |
Repairs & Maint. Contract Labor |
Routine Service |
Utilities |
Water Testing |
Total Expense |
$ 210,245
Rules and Bylaws
Lose yours? Never had them.
Copies available at the office.
Or click
on this link.
BWC at times must enter or work in your
yard to operate or maintain the water system. They are required to
take water samples, take pressure readings, operate valves, or dig up buried
pipes. The rules, bylaws and property covenants grant them access.
Recently, some jobs have been delayed because some property owners mistakenly
thought a Beaches Water Company was working illegally. If you have
a question about someone working on the water system or someone taking
a water sample please, call the office at 410-586-8710. |
"The opening or closing of any fire
hydrant, or plug, except in cases of fire, without the written permission
of the Company, shall be deemed a tampering with the appliances of the
Company, under the provisions of Chapter 546 of the Acts of 1904 of the
Public General Laws of Maryland “(Article 47, Section 118, Annotated Code
of Maryland). |
Announcing the Beaches Water
Company’s Annual Meeting
Date: September 10,
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Long Beach
Civic Center
on Calvert Blvd
Besides conducting the business of
the annual meeting, two director positions are up for election and there
will be discussion of bylaw/rule changes.
Attendees at the annual meeting
will be eligible to win a door prize of free water for one billing period. |
If you are unable to attend, please
complete and return the proxy vote which you received by U.S. Mail so your
voice can still be heard. Either mail or drop the proxy off at the
office. |
Proposed Rule Change Discussion |
As was mentioned in our Annual
Report, our water supply is regulated by the State of Maryland Department
of the Environment as to the total which we can withdraw in one year and
also the peak daily amount which can be withdrawn. While we recognize
the drive by homeowners to maintain attractive landscaping, we must be
aware that watering high maintenance cool season lawn grasses when they
would naturally become dormant is not a permissible use of our water supply.
Many types of grasses do very well on little water, but it is unrealistic
to expect to be able to maintain a lush green lawn in the middle of the
summer unless it is a result of the rains we have been receiving this year.
To this end, we feel we must regulate
in-ground watering systems. Their very nature invites frequent, wasteful,
timed watering regardless of rainfall, and these systems are a possible
serious source of contamination of our water supply. In-ground watering
systems must have an approved backflow preventer installed to eliminate
the possibility of contaminated surface water, fertilizer, weed killers,
etc. from being pulled by vacuum back into our water system at times when
the pressure may be low, such as when the system is down for repairs.
A representative of the Company must inspect any installed system to determine
it’s impact on our water supply.
We discourage the installation
of these systems, and feel we must also charge those who have already installed
them a premium to offset the volume of water they consume.
Of course, in times of drought such as we experienced in the spring and
summer of 1999, these systems and all lawn watering will be stopped entirely.
Representatives of the Beaches Water Company have the right under the Rules
of the Company, to “access to the premises supplied with water, at all
reasonable hours, for the purpose of examining fixtures and pipes, observing
the manner of using water, and for other purposes which are proper and
necessary in the conduct of the Company’s business.”
The Company reserves the right
to impose reasonable restrictions on the use of water during periods of
shortage of supply ” We must all be aware that we are blessed
with a good supply of clean water and we all must share in the responsibility
of it’s conservation.
What are you comments on this
issue? Email, mail, phone, fax or present your comment in person at the
annual meeting.

Please submit all questions and comments to